Top 5 Study Tactics

Studying can be boring and time consuming. Sometimes, no matter how hard you try or how many hours you spend, memorizing just doesn’t seem to happen. So what do you do in this case? Do you give up on education and start praying for a miracle to happen? No, you try something different. In this post, we will tell you about 5 study tactics that you can try when all else fails.

1) Space Out Your Study session: Rather than doing a marathon study session at the last minute, divide it into sections and cover small sections at a time.

2) Change Your Study Environment: You could spend hours sitting on your study table or on your bed and still not be able to learn a thing, So, try a change of scenery. Go sit in your balcony or on the terrace, for all you know, the fresh air may clear your mind.

3) Take Naps: Naps refresh your mind and taken at timely duration at regular intervals can help you increase retention.

4) Quiz Yourself: Many people keep re-reading the same paragraph to memorize. Instead of that, quiz yourself after you’ve read it. Reinforcement by testing has been proven to help increase retention.


5) Pretend That You’re Teaching Someone: Many people have found this helpful. Explain the concepts to nothingness, or look in the mirror and teach it yourself. That helps a lot.


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