Jobs In Pharmaceutical Industry

The pharmaceutical industry in India is very fast growing. The number of hospitals is every increasing which automatically creates demand for nursing homes and pharmaceutical companies. In this field, there is an equally good chance of success by picking up a job or starting a business of your own.


At Baddi University, we give our students the opportunity to learn the intricacies of pharmaceuticals and develop the skills required to work in a job environment or your own start-up. The venues in this field are multiple and we create an environment where a student can succeed with whatever s/he wants.

Some of the job avenues for a degree holder in pharmaceuticals are governments departments, investigation and research institutes, teaching hospitals or universities. If you pick up a job in pharmaceutical industries you can be involved in the formulation, development, marketing or production of already existing or new drugs.
If you hold a higher degree such as masters or Ph.D. you can be involved in research and development for new drugs or work in laboratories or production. Another lucrative field is testing and analyzing drugs for strength and purity. In the government sector, hiring is done at both central and state level for the Department of National Defense, Pest Control Division of Agriculture, Department of Health and Welfare and the Provincial departments of Agriculture or the Environment.  Food and cosmetics are also industries that hire such professionals.


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